Monday, July 7, 2008

Deep Zoom - Rendering in 2 different layouts based on zoom factor

Berend, the author of Generate Silverlight 2 DeepZoom image collection from multi-page tiff, wanted to know if it was possible to render the contents of the deep zoom control in different layouts based on the current zoom factor. Initially, he wanted to show the images in a single row layout with each image taking the entire height of the control. As the user zooms out, after the image reaches a certain factor - say half the height, he wanted to switch to a thumbnails mode where all the images are displayed in a multi row and column format (much like how it is now).

It was pretty easy to do and here is the result of my experimentation:

Try zooming out so that the first image height is less than half the height of the control. After the motion is completed, it should switch to the thumbnails mode. I have currently based this off the height of the first image. The layout will switch depending on whether the height of the first image is greater than or less than half the height of the control.

The code:

enum DisplayMode {
Full = 1,
Thumbnails = 2

DisplayMode _displayMode = DisplayMode.Full;

msi.MotionFinished += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// This is required to ensure that ArrangeImages is called only once
if (msi.UseSprings == false) {
msi.UseSprings = true;
else {
DisplayMode _origDisplayMode = _displayMode;

Rect imageRectElement = msiLogicalToElementRect(GetSubImageRect(0));
_displayMode = (msi.ActualHeight / imageRectElement.Height < 2) ? DisplayMode.Full : DisplayMode.Thumbnails;

if (_displayMode != _origDisplayMode) {

public void Reset()
_lastMousePos = new Point(0, 0);
msi.ViewportOrigin = new Point (0, 0);
msi.ViewportWidth = 1.0;

// Show all the images
for (int i=0; i<msi.SubImages.Count; i++) {

public void ArrangeImages()

double containerAspectRatio = this.msi.ActualWidth / this.msi.ActualHeight;
double spaceBetweenImages = 0.005;

List<SubImage> subImages = new List<SubImage>();
_imagesToShow.ForEach(subImage => subImages.Add(new SubImage(subImage)));

// Capture the total width of all images
double totalImagesWidth = 0.0;
subImages.ForEach(subImage => totalImagesWidth += subImage.Width);

// Calculate the total number of rows required to display all the images
int numRows = (_displayMode == DisplayMode.Thumbnails) ? (int)Math.Sqrt((totalImagesWidth / containerAspectRatio)+1) : 1;

// Assign images to each row
List<Row> rows = new List<Row>(numRows);
for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++)
rows.Add(new Row(spaceBetweenImages));

double widthPerRow = totalImagesWidth / numRows;
double imagesWidth = 0;
// Separate the images into rows. The total width of all images in a row should not exceed widthPerRow
for (int i=0, j=0; i<numRows; i++, imagesWidth=0) {
while (imagesWidth < widthPerRow && j < subImages.Count) {
subImages[j].RowNum = i;
imagesWidth += subImages[j++].Width;

// At this point in time the subimage height is 1
// If we assume that the total height is also 1 we need to scale the subimages to fit within a total height of 1
// If the total height is 1, the total width is aspectRatio. Hence (aspectRatio)/(total width of all images in a row) is the scaling factor.
// Added later: take into account spacing between images
rows.ForEach(Row => Row.Scale(containerAspectRatio));

// Calculate the total height, with space between images, of the images across all rows
// Also adjust the colNum for each image
double totalImagesHeight = (numRows - 1) * spaceBetweenImages;
rows.ForEach(Row => totalImagesHeight += Row.Height);

// The totalImagesHeight should not exceed 1.
// if it does, we need to scale all images by a factor of (1 / totalImagesHeight)
if (((_displayMode == DisplayMode.Thumbnails && totalImagesHeight > 1)) || _displayMode == DisplayMode.Full) {
subImages.ForEach(subImage => subImage.Scale(1 / (totalImagesHeight+spaceBetweenImages)));
totalImagesHeight = (numRows - 1) * spaceBetweenImages;
rows.ForEach(Row => totalImagesHeight += Row.Height);
Debug.Assert(totalImagesHeight <= 1);

// Calculate the top and bottom margin
double margin = (1 - totalImagesHeight) / 2;

// First hide all the images that should not be displayed
_imagesToHide.ForEach(subImage => subImage.Opacity = 0.0);

// Then display the displayable images to scale
for (int i=0; i<_imagesToShow.Count; i++) {
double X = rows[subImages[i].RowNum].CalcX(subImages[i].ColNum);
double Y = margin;
for (int j=0; j<subImages[i].RowNum; j++)
Y += spaceBetweenImages + rows[j].Height;

_imagesToShow[i].ViewportWidth = containerAspectRatio / subImages[i].Width;
AnimateImage(_imagesToShow[i], new Point(-(X / subImages[i].Width), -(Y / subImages[i].Width))); // for animation, use this statement instead of the next one
_imagesToShow[i].Opacity = 1.0;
// Play Storyboard


Anonymous said...

Hey thats gr8
i hav one quest
Q) is there any alternate method ...
I have a requirement to find out which image was clicked by mouse.

for that purpose i came to know two methods

1st method:

for (int i = 0; i < msi.SubImages.Count; i++)

2nd method:
foreach (MultiScaleSubImage subImage in msi.SubImages)

if i want to identify image being clicked in hundreds and thousands of images...
then there will be a performance problem in finding clicked image by mouse.

can u give me any suggestion about source coe??

rene said...

hi Wilfredo
nice blog! I'm a UX Evangelist at Microsoft Brazil and I just posted a link to your blog in my blog too :)

I'm trying to figure out a simple way to add full screen capability to my deep zoom apps, but I'm not a developer at all...

Wac said...


That's amazing, can you please provide us with the source code?

I was wondering about how to dynamically change the layout of a deep zoom collection but based on other factors. And this sample seems to be a good starting point.

Thanks a lot for the sharing this amazing idea.
